Strap Shelf
This Strap Shelf is a stylish and modern piece for any room in your sims’ homes. Choose from a variety of colours to blend with your theme
This Strap Shelf is a stylish and modern piece for any room in your sims’ homes. Choose from a variety of colours to blend with your theme
More frames pack for your sims’ homes!
Wall photos can never be too much. Choose from a variety of swatches from this collection to add life to any room in your sims’ homes .
Study Clutter. Everyone loves a bit of clutter here and there. Add a touch of life to your sims’ home study with any piece from this set of decor
Everyone needs a daily dose of inspiration. Even sims. These Inspirational Quotes Frame are perfect for any area in the house.
Notebooks can never be too much. These cute pieces of decor are always available whenever your sims’s need to write something down.
These Black and White Frames makes your sims’ speak their minds on their walls. Perfect for any bedroom, living room, study or hallway